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$PL Podcast
Thanks to you beautiful Commonstock souls who reached out and let me know there were some small audio issues on previous episodes! You guys really are the best.
I found and fixed the problem(s) in time for yesterday's episode on Planet Labs $PL. Here's the link if you guys haven't been hearing enough of me ;)
But seriously, shout out to all of you awesome people on Commonstock. Best community of investors in the game
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Hourglass Investing - For the Self-Directed Investor
Podcast · Jared Leary · An investment series diving into businesses & uncovering new investing opportunities. Weekly episodes, released every Tuesday, covering companies I own or on my watchlist. Focused on quality growth, as well as micro- to small-cap spheres, to generate market-beating performance over the long-term. Hosted by Jared Leary, author of the Hourglass Investing newsletter and finance nerd.

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