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Dividend Dollars Portfolio Update!
🛍 Buys: $EGP, $NEE, $O, $LEAD, $SCHD, $SPY

💰 Sells: $XYLG, $RCRUY

💲 Divvies: $SCHD, $XYLG, $BAC

Full portfolio is below

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I’ve earned $799 in dividends since starting in September.

My PADI decreased from $643 to $621 this week (due to the $XYLG sale).

Slow and steady wins the race!

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I allocate a portion of my capital to swing trading under Richard Dennis’ trend following strategy.

We are in the middle of the biggest trend trade so far with $URNM. It doesn't look like it will slow down! Stop is set at $43.21 (15% win locked) trails with the 10 day low

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I strive to be transparent & post my trades, but if I ever miss anything on socials, it'll be caught on my weekly article.

I write every weekend & have documented every move for the past 2 years. These articles provide a little bit more insight into why I made the moves I made.

Steve Matt's avatar
You have URMN in your screenshot but URNM in your post. Just curious which is correct. Also, if it gaps down overnight, 15% isn't locked in. I don't know who that person is or what the strategy is but if you want to lock in a win, sell enough to pay for your initial investment and then let the rest ride?
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