Weekly Performance Summary
Overall a comfortable week considering the performance of others and the market as a whole. Particularly encouraging given the portfolio's heavy lean towards mining and commodity names and that sector's particularly poor performance this week. The recent trading in the portfolio to diversify is seeming to pay-off.
Perennial loser Sylvania Platinum has bounced back, which is very pleasing given how tough the stock has been finding it these last few weeks. The company announced in the week a new joint venture with the Limberg Mining Company to process platinum and other metals from the Limberg Chrome Mine in South Africa. This venture will increase Sylvania Platinum's output by +9% and further diversify its commodity portfolio by adding chrome to the mix.
New addition Kromek Group performed poorly, but am not too fussed with this. The stock is hugely volatile and there will be big swings as we go forward, but am still comfortable that the company remains considerably under valued and I expect the return to be made over the long term. Volatility is to be expected when you start delving in these higher growth and smaller market capitalisation companies.