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Insights from Chris Mayer ‘s latest article:

1/ “Quality of the business is also a source of margin of safety. Most of the time, people think price and price alone is your margin of safety. But owning a great business can bail you out of a valuation mistake over time.”

2/“Owning a business for a long time means you’re going to own it during a stretch when it isn’t at its best.

But if the long-term thesis is still intact, you’re probably better off holding on. When the reason you own something is no longer valid, it’s probably time to move on.”

3/ “Patience. The ability to sit on a great business for two decades is a superpower worth cultivating. It’s how 100 baggers are born.”

4/ “I’ve spent lots of time researching ideas that I never bought. I’ve flown to foreign countries, met with CEOs and not bought the stock. It’s just the way investing works. You have to enjoy looking at businesses, just for the sake of learning. It’s part of the adventure.”

5/ Summary:

  1. Margin of safety is more than just price.
  2. Sell only when the thesis changes.
  3. Patience can pay off.
  4. You don’t have to buy every stock that you have evaluated. Enjoy the process.


Here’s the question we asked 👇


And here is the link:

Woodlock House Famil
In today’s blog, I’ll answer some questions that came in response to my tweet. I got a lot of questions, some by email. More than 9 pages worth altogether! So, I won’t be able to answer them all here. Maybe I’ll do a part two. (Maybe I’ll experiment and answer them in a video). And some of the questions sent deserve a full blog post. Anyway, thank you for sending in your questions. There were many, many excellent questions. Let me preface my answers by saying: These are just my views and I offer

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