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Macro Insights II Easy to Digest Financial and Business Research
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We have just published our latest piece, this time is a summary and analysis of $ROKU s Q2 earnings. We will do this during earnings season. Other companies we have covered will report this week $UBER $OPEN and $CVNA expect our analysis soon
Roku: Q2 Earnings
The Stock is down 23%, did something change fundamentally?

Loved these visuals, did you create them yourself or are they from ROKU?

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Peloton is close to their All time low having lost more than 90% is it really a company going to zero?
Peloton: Subscription, subscription, subscription!. the key to getting out of this mess is subscription!
Pandemic demand won't come back...time to pivot!

You should share this in Commonstock, as clicking through a link on my mobile is harder than just reading it in Commonstock itself. Great write up though.
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We have just posted our piece on $UBER. They Have shown a lot of promise on the Revenue side, but Cost/OpEx continue to drag their performance. Will they ever turn the corner? go to our substack to read it or also read past posts on $OPEN $PTON $ROKU
Uber: Surprisingly, it has More than Double its Pre- Pandemic Revenue
the question is, have they double their losses as well?

An excellent piece.

What I especially liked was your cautionary note on Adjusted EBITDA generally -
"When you hear adjusted Ebitda usually you should be very skeptic, because you have to be very careful to what they are adjusting in that measurement."

It's important to really analyze and drill down on these metrics rigorously to gain the true/accurate picture.
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ROKU has dropped by more than 80% in the past 12 months, yet it finds itself in a great position as the Switzerland of the streaming wars. Have a look at our newest article just posted on our substack $ROKU
Roku: The Switzerland of the Streaming Wars
Who is going to be the TV platform leader?

This was an excellent article. I hold a small position in $ROKU and its great to see that is uniquely situated itself in the space.

One question I had here -

"Roku currently holds $2.2b in cash, this is a wonderful cushion considering that they are even starting to show signs of profitability."

Could you spell out what you mean by the signs of profitability?
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We have just published our latest article on $CVNA
#Carvana has lost more than 90% from its high.

Has grown rapidly and delivered 425K vehicles in 2021
Yet their current scale has not made them profitable yet.

We went in-depth on our latest article here:
Carvana: Disrupting the Car Buying Process but might dilute you in the process
Will they stop tapping the market for funds anytime soon?

Hey welcome to Commonstock LY, just a heads up that hashtags don't do anything here. The $ Ticker does though :)
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