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Top investors this month
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My favorite trade this month was $ETSY for the simple reason that I believe in the company! I've been thinking about them a lot this week. I'm renovating my house, and have to buy new furniture — went to my usual brands and their delivery estimates were Jul 2022. And SO expensive. Went to Etsy and ordered gorgeous custom furniture for half the price with a delivery estimate of 3 - 4 weeks from now. Better quality, customized for me, at half the price, delivered faster 🤯

July 2022 for delivery?? Wow that's nuts. Shows the power of a more distributed seller base. In a way, Etsy is a decentralized retail network...
My portfolio is down over 8% this week and I can’t stop staring at the losses - if you’re a buy and hold investor, what works the best for you to distract yourself from the temporary blip?! 😅

Living through multiple 30% drops, helps with the 10% drops 😅

But one of the main reasons I trade with a small amount of my account, is to keep me distracted from over trading my long term positions 😊
I started investing at the beginning of this year and have learned a lot since then - still a lot more to learn. Here’s my portfolio 😎
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Only caveat is that my ETH isn’t connected to Commonstock
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