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50% off Highs, Is NKE Stock a Buy?
Down almost 50% from highs, is Nike stock $NKE undervalued?

Using our reverse DCF calculator, the market is pricing NKE to grow its free cash flow by 7.58% for the next 10 years, and then by 3% every year after that. See the image below.

Can NKE achieve this growth? Analysts' FCF forecasts state that it can grow its FCF by 11.3% annually for the next 3 years.

The 9.5% discount rate (required rate of return) was taken from

Now, if your required annual rate of return is 11%, NKE would need to grow FCF by 10.7% every year for the next 10 years.

Check out our reverse DCF calculator here:
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Investor's Compass
Reverse DCF — Investor's Compass

ULTA stock down. Is it a buy?
Is $ULTA stock a buy? Down 15% today. Let's take a look

Using our reverse DCF calculator, the market is pricing ULTA to grow its free cash flow by negative 0.67% for the next 10 years, and then by 4.51% every year after that. See the image below.

7.8% discount rate is the WACC taken from Finbox. 4.51% terminal growth is the US 30-year yield.

FCF per share of $21.44.

Now, if your required rate of return is 12% (second image below), ULTA would need to grow by 9.9% every year for the next 10 years.

Do you think 9.9% is possible? Its FCF CAGR over the past 5 years is 10.3%. If so, you can make 12% per year.

Check out our reverse DCF calculator here:
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Investor's Compass
Reverse DCF — Investor's Compass

5 ETFs to Buy AI Stocks
In this free article, we go over each ETF, their holdings, and their past performances. We also make it easy for you to decide which is better for your goals.

Some of the stocks in these ETFs include popular stocks like $NVDA $AMD $META $TSLA, but also less popular stocks like $ISRG $AZTA $ILMN $KTOS $PATH $DT $DE
Investor's Compass
5 ETFs to Buy AI Stocks — Investor's Compass
AI isn't just a buzzword but a transformative technology influencing various sectors. For investors looking to tap into this potential, ETFs focused on AI stocks present an efficient way to gain diversified exposure to these stocks. This article dives deeper into five ETFs, providing a detailed expl

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