Michael Baker@michaelbaker16505/24/2023Sold all FDS-5.32% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $394.79 0123456789
Michael Baker@michaelbaker16504/05/2023New position in FDSFactset Research Systems at $417.04 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg01/20/2023Bought to close all FDS-1.26% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $421.08 0123456789
Chad Ayers@chadayers12/20/2022Bought to close all FDS-21.98% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $411.05 0123456789
Albert Kang$12.3MFollowers@albertkang7512/16/2022Bought <1% more FDSFactset Research Systems at $429.00 0123456789
Chad Ayers@chadayers11/18/2022Bought to close 60% FDS-29.92% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $437.30 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg11/04/2022Sold short FDSFactset Research Systems at $415.82 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg11/04/2022Bought to close all FDS-16.55% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $424.41 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg11/03/2022Bought to close 50% FDS-16.55% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $424.41 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg11/02/2022Bought to close 33% FDS-16.55% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $424.41 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg09/23/2022Sold short 50% more FDSFactset Research Systems at $394.64 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg09/23/2022Bought to close 33% FDS-26.68% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $441.96 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg09/21/2022Bought to close 25% FDS-26.68% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $441.96 0123456789
Jonah Grant$13.1MFollowers@jonahg09/20/2022Bought to close 20% FDS-26.68% LOSSFactset Research Systems at $441.96 0123456789
Albert Kang$12.3MFollowers@albertkang7509/16/2022Bought <1% more FDSFactset Research Systems at $442.17 0123456789