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AI Investor
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The long term $GOOG bull thesis.
Google's lead in AI (via Jordan/Pippen duo of Deepmind and Google AI) is producing insane results.

Google AI's new language model released yesterday is mind-blowing in its capability. If you don't have time to read the whole thing just go to page 38 and check out the model's ability to explain jokes and word problems.

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In the conclusion, the (67!) authors note that AI isn't plateauing but actually producing higher output than expected as more billions parameters are added.

They were also surprised to see that tasking the model to explain it's reasoning for answers for users to better understand actually made the model smarter.
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$GOOGL Deepmind's Alphafold 2 is the first AI to win Science's Breakthrough of the Year. I'm certain the majority of future winners will be teams utilizing AI.

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Great article, it's crazy that it would take longer than the age of a universe for a protein chain to cycle through each shape a protein could form one by one— and that in nature, each protein reliably folds up into just one distinctive shape in the blink of an eye 🤯

It would be crazy powerful to have AI help us with modeling these.
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Bloomberg: You recently hit 2 trillion market cap. Where is the next trillion coming from?

Sundar Pichai: "We are building a diverse set of businesses. Underlying all of it is our investments in AI. We've invested $100 billion in R&D the past 5 years. Applying AI in a deep way is probably where we will create the biggest opportunity" $GOOGL

It'll be interesting to see what notable product they build within AI. I think one of the major disadvantages that Google and other large corporations have is that they just aren't as nimble, and can easily be building/investing in something that a smaller company will be able to reap the rewards of.
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$TSLA put I bought on Thursday keeping me green today. Bought as a hedge on my $GOOGL LEAPs. Not sure it makes sense as a hedge bc I don't really know what I'm doing but it's working so far.
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My current positions here with return so far. Over most of the past year I've been 100% long $GOOGL. No plans to sell $3000 LEAPs. No idea how long I'll hold the $TSLA hedge. Shares in $GPS are kind of meme bc I love Kanye. Will probably get into some more monthly $GOOGL calls soon. Still feel current price is cheap and future looks amazing.
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Wow what a "call"!

What was the impetus for entering google a year ago vs. other options? That was a great entry point.
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I decided to get into trading at the beginning of the year and that I would focus solely on $GOOGL. The first option I bought on Dec. 30th for $4100 is now ITM in just over 300 days. I bought another a month ago for $22k with gains from shorter-term calls that did well.
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Bought after seeing Kanye's hall of fame interview last night. He is firing on all cylinders creatively, made a ton of news during the interview while talking up future of Yeezy Gap a bunch. Said he is considering a SPAC after seeing $DWAC

Listening to that interview now...super great!! This was a great partnership because you can tell that he's genuinely excited about it, and not just in it for the money. Hopefully, this is reflected positively in stock price moving forward! Might have to take a position in $GPS as well
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