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24/7 stocks?
The NYSE is exploring 24/7 trading. What do you think about this?

I used to think this was a good idea because if crypto can do it, why not everyone? But now I am more neutral on the idea. There’s something to be said for the “rest” and “healing process” of the market being closed for a certain amount of hours everyday.

Fear and greed can get exacerbated if there isn’t a natural moment to step back and reflect.

What are the benefits of 24 hour trading? Immediate gratification? What else? Are there investment strategies one could employ with 24 hour trading that they can’t do now?
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Alec Young, our chief investment strategist, joins BNN Bloomberg to talk about why investors shouldn’t overreact to spooky geopolitical headlines.

How the S&P 500 typically reacts to geopolitical crises
Alec Young, chief investment strategist at MapSignals, joins BNN Bloomberg to talk about why investors shouldn't overreact to spooky geopolitical headlines.S...

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